A Day in the Life of an Intern at the Rep

Seattle Repertory Theatre Interns Blog

Thursday, February 08, 2007

David Esbjornson Gave me 20 bucks

Design Intern finally getting my act together and "blogging"

For starters I would like to point out that this is my first blog EVER I just don't blog, not on My Space not on friendster nope no blogging for me. However one of the things you will learn here is that eventually the communications intern will guilt you into such activities so seeing as I am not currently in tech. . .
Anyways as I am sure has been mentioned in prior posts All of the 12 interns this season are female (think SRT Greek Life) and so to much of the staff it is a bit of a surprise to see so many young women traveling around the building in little flocks, and such occasions, sometimes much to our annoyance, rarely go with out comment. So one evening, many tech weeks ago I am hovering over the cubical wall of the artistic office deep in conference with the two artistic interns, about whether or not we can really justify going out for dinner on our meager stipends. About 10 minutes into our debate David Esbjornson (the artistic director for those who don't know) walks around the corner and surprised at seeing the three of us exclaims "uh oh intern conference"
I of course feeling slightly punchy retort "yep, we are debating whether or not we can afford to buy dinner" hum slight embarrassment at retort to artistic leader of the organization.
David suddenly slightly mortified "that's terrible" and then reaching in his pockets "you want 20 bucks?" ummmmmmmm say what????

Well what does one say to that, bearing in mind that we really aren't sure if we can afford to buy dinner, so my response is "well. . . I wouldn't say no" did I really just say that?!?!?!?

so he hands Kati and I the cash which we stare at somewhat blankly while stammering 'thank yous' as David walks away hysterical giggling and excitement ensue at the shock and then realization that this allots for dinner other than soggy old pre made sandwiches

Kati and I went out for Thai food (mmmmm pad thai) Erin unfortunately went to bar tend some event in the lobby,
After dinner Kati and I wanting to share the joy of the occasion brought back Brownies (aptly titled "David Esbjornson brownies") for all past and present interns to enjoy

So there it is the exciting tale of free Thai food sponsored by David


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