A Day in the Life of an Intern at the Rep

Seattle Repertory Theatre Interns Blog

Friday, November 17, 2006

Miles Standish

Since interns are paid a weekly stipend (which is more than can be said for many theatre internships) that does allow for expendable income, sometimes in the year the staff generously helps us out.

Leading this effort is Miles Standish--founding father and protector of the poor. He can be seen signing the Mayflower Compact left. Wikipedia has this to say about him:

"Miles Standish (c. 1584 - October 3, 1656), was an English-born professional soldier hired by the Pilgrims as military advisor for Plymouth colony. Arriving on the Mayflower, he worked on colonial defense."

Well he visited earlier this week to take up a collection for the annual intern food boxes. This is Miles Standish in 2006.

This year, he's more Attila the Standish or Miles Kahn, but hey, Pilgrims can embrace diverse fashion trends if they choose to do so.

In reference to the intern food boxes, there is a sign in the board room that reads:

"A day will come when interns are given great sustenance, when powerful protein and well-rounded nutritious bounties are bestowed upon them in glory.

Today is not that day."

There is hope that day will come soon though. Stay tuned...


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